Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Berlin: DAY2

Day 2 I came to understand how I truly suck at German. I mean, I don't even know how to say yes and no!
But I have been lucky, because if in the right neighborhood the Germans speak and understand English quite well, unless you are wandering around in the Asian/Turkish neighborhood, when I asked a girl about my age if she spoke English she answered "small" and indeed "small" it was.

Something I happily discovered was that Berlin has Starbucks. All over the place. I know nothing better than a caramel macchiato, which I so rarely has the chance to enjoy because Denmark only has two Starbucks, which both are located in Kastrup airport, so whenever travelling I always take the opportunity to go.

Another great thing I discovered today is a vegetarian fast food diner, Yellow Sunshine. The food was so delicious, that I definitely will return another night if I got the time.  I also went to see Checkpoint Charlie and the museum. The museum was sooo boring! Usually I really like museums, but there where so much to read and it would fit better in a book then on several walls in an old building. I hope that I one of these days in Berlin can find a art museum, because that's more my kind of museum, less text more paintings.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Berlin; DAY1

These two next weeks I'm out traveling, first in Berlin with my parents and after I'm going to wander the streets of my favorite city, Paris alone. I will try to write some posts while I'm there, even though I'm usually against using Internet while on vacation but I often feel inspired(like I did on Roskilde Festival) when I experience things and write about them, while I'm in the moment and the memories of the feelings is still fresh.

As we first arrive to Berlin, by car it's raining heavily. The city doesn't look much, but my expectations ain't high, so there is  room for improvement. Me and my family had gotten up early so we could go to a market, only held on Sundays and in the puring rain we walked.
The lady hands me a tray of some exotic looking food with salad. I hope she understood what i said, but by the looking of the food it's very likely she didn't. I'm standing in front of a Turkish food stand in the mauvetpark marked in Berlin. It's still raining, but that doesn't stop the shoppers or the other tourist from enjoying the interesting market, that both sells old beautiful lamps, freshly pressed orange juice, the beloved wurst and fabric.

I have been told that Berlin, is the place to when you are a vegetarian and tomorrow I will find out if that is true.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Brunch for the vegetarian!

When becoming a vegetarian, people think they have to give a lot of things up. That thought is both right and wrong; sure you give up the meat and some of your favorite meals with it, but you get so much back. Becoming a vegetarian is like expanding your world of food. There is so much food I myself, would never have discovered if I hadn't become a vegetarian. Like this mornings brunch and even though is misses bacon, it's so much healthier and just as tasty.

I dont wan't to be this "ranting" vegetarian, because no one likes that, but think about it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Being there

Just last week I attended a danish festival called Roskilde Festival. Being there gave me inspiration, so I wrote a little bit on my Ipod while I was there, mostly when I was waiting in line.

Roskilde Festival. Walking in the hot sunny morning(when i say morning i mean 12 o'clock) on my way to my camp, a little tired and a little drunk, with a caramelle latte in one hand and Orange Press in the other. The road is quiet, you can hear the music in the background; trumping, but it sounds far away, even though it's just down the road. The feeling of Roskilde is everywhere and you can't get enough of it. You can't help but like the nice people that have occupied the festival. Here I can greet a stranger like a friend and give hugs, because that stranger has lost his guitar.

It's the last day of Roskilde. The sun is burning hot. The grass has long gone, due to the rain, walking and wild drinking. I quitetly walk around by myself with my very last cigerette, enjoying the last moments of the festival. Reflecting over the experiences I've had the last week. How I had gaiend friends, becomed closer to them, and lost dreams. How we in our drunkness, late in the night had confided in each other about our everyday worrys and joys.

I wrote these two, while I was there. Feeling a feeling, that can only be felt there. Being more crazy, than normally allowed.

If you haven't been to a festival, by my opnion you should give it a try, because it's completly different adventure.