Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thinker - Reflecting on my travels - PART 1

Tiergarden, in Berlin.
My mini Europe trip to Berlin and Paris, has both been a learning, healing and magic experience for me. In my last post I was in Berlin and my stay there was coming to an end. How I spent my last days in Berlin where different from day to day - I spent one day reading about the victims of the Berlin wall, another in the Pergamon Museum looking at archaeological treasures and the last in Tiergarden walking around in beautiful green surroundings thinking about my life, friends and death. Why death you might ask? A family member died for about a year ago and one of my closest friend's father just passed away. These two people have something in common besides that fact that they are no longer here, they died way too early and young, both taken by a desease we've all in some way been touched by - Cancer. It was the death of these two was on my mind that day , but also the death of a new friendship. How it feels to no longer to be friends and the confusen that follows. It's not the first time I lose a friend(when I say lose, I don't mean to death), but it doesn't mean I can't feel it, like I felt it years ago when it happened the first time, except dealing with it now is easier then it was back then. Berlin and Paris was both healing places for me, because it gave me the time to think thoughts,
I would not have had the time to think and a quiet peaceful place to do so.

I made this post into two parts, one for this and the other for Paris - so come back to read more!


(sorry for the wierd way the pictures are placed, but Blogger just won't collaborate with me when it comes to pictures!)

Some of the old Berlin Wall.
Pergamon Museum
Roman architecture (Pergamon Museum)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Berlin: DAY4

Is almost nonexistent. I got up very late and found my way to Alexanderplatz, by train, which it in self is a wonder, because just like my German language skills(it comforts me that they at least at Starbucks can understand my order), my skills at using their trains are just as bad.

It was the start of my day, but Alexanderplatz the day was more than started, the stalls was up, running and selling. The street performers had long before my arrival started their acts, one particular act caught my eye and sense of humor. There was this character that kept saying “merry Christmas” and getting injured, I kind of felt sorry for her while I laughed my ass of. There was this other person dressed in a sailor costume, who had to catch two balls at the same time and every time he didn’t, he threw off his clothes at someone from the audience, being completely oblivious that he hit someone. First it was the hat that revealed very long hair – he didn’t mind that, but every time he didn’t caught those balls, he got this sad miserable face - and then he took of more clothes. He ended up in his underwear, just as miserable when he didn’t this time around caught the balls. He then looked thoughtfully up into the sky, to distract us from him gathering up the balls, so he didn’t have to throw off his underwear.

Interesting story, I know.

Later in the evening I went to a vegan gourmet restaurant, to enjoy the more fancy food being a vegetarian can offer. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Berlin: DAY3

Discovering berlin by bike is an exhilarating experience that you simply must try! It turned me into a lover of speed and my parents into my own personal circus clowns! It was after I had seen Reichstag and had eaten lunch that I bumped into a place renting bikes. Besides renting out regular bikes, you could also rent a tram. The tandem bicycle was what that turned my parents into circus clowns, the first 15 minutes driving it, was one of the most hilarious moments of my life. The thing about riding a bike in Berlin is that the cycle lane is right out in the middle in between the cars and busses and it’s so exhilarating, the speed, fun and the risk. The two hours on bike went by as if it was just 30 minutes. Later I became the circus clown, when I headed out in my roller-skates, the roads in Prenzlauerberg is really not meant for roller-skating, but a least I put some smiles on the Germans passing by me.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Berlin: DAY2

Day 2 I came to understand how I truly suck at German. I mean, I don't even know how to say yes and no!
But I have been lucky, because if in the right neighborhood the Germans speak and understand English quite well, unless you are wandering around in the Asian/Turkish neighborhood, when I asked a girl about my age if she spoke English she answered "small" and indeed "small" it was.

Something I happily discovered was that Berlin has Starbucks. All over the place. I know nothing better than a caramel macchiato, which I so rarely has the chance to enjoy because Denmark only has two Starbucks, which both are located in Kastrup airport, so whenever travelling I always take the opportunity to go.

Another great thing I discovered today is a vegetarian fast food diner, Yellow Sunshine. The food was so delicious, that I definitely will return another night if I got the time.  I also went to see Checkpoint Charlie and the museum. The museum was sooo boring! Usually I really like museums, but there where so much to read and it would fit better in a book then on several walls in an old building. I hope that I one of these days in Berlin can find a art museum, because that's more my kind of museum, less text more paintings.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Berlin; DAY1

These two next weeks I'm out traveling, first in Berlin with my parents and after I'm going to wander the streets of my favorite city, Paris alone. I will try to write some posts while I'm there, even though I'm usually against using Internet while on vacation but I often feel inspired(like I did on Roskilde Festival) when I experience things and write about them, while I'm in the moment and the memories of the feelings is still fresh.

As we first arrive to Berlin, by car it's raining heavily. The city doesn't look much, but my expectations ain't high, so there is  room for improvement. Me and my family had gotten up early so we could go to a market, only held on Sundays and in the puring rain we walked.
The lady hands me a tray of some exotic looking food with salad. I hope she understood what i said, but by the looking of the food it's very likely she didn't. I'm standing in front of a Turkish food stand in the mauvetpark marked in Berlin. It's still raining, but that doesn't stop the shoppers or the other tourist from enjoying the interesting market, that both sells old beautiful lamps, freshly pressed orange juice, the beloved wurst and fabric.

I have been told that Berlin, is the place to when you are a vegetarian and tomorrow I will find out if that is true.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Brunch for the vegetarian!

When becoming a vegetarian, people think they have to give a lot of things up. That thought is both right and wrong; sure you give up the meat and some of your favorite meals with it, but you get so much back. Becoming a vegetarian is like expanding your world of food. There is so much food I myself, would never have discovered if I hadn't become a vegetarian. Like this mornings brunch and even though is misses bacon, it's so much healthier and just as tasty.

I dont wan't to be this "ranting" vegetarian, because no one likes that, but think about it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Being there

Just last week I attended a danish festival called Roskilde Festival. Being there gave me inspiration, so I wrote a little bit on my Ipod while I was there, mostly when I was waiting in line.

Roskilde Festival. Walking in the hot sunny morning(when i say morning i mean 12 o'clock) on my way to my camp, a little tired and a little drunk, with a caramelle latte in one hand and Orange Press in the other. The road is quiet, you can hear the music in the background; trumping, but it sounds far away, even though it's just down the road. The feeling of Roskilde is everywhere and you can't get enough of it. You can't help but like the nice people that have occupied the festival. Here I can greet a stranger like a friend and give hugs, because that stranger has lost his guitar.

It's the last day of Roskilde. The sun is burning hot. The grass has long gone, due to the rain, walking and wild drinking. I quitetly walk around by myself with my very last cigerette, enjoying the last moments of the festival. Reflecting over the experiences I've had the last week. How I had gaiend friends, becomed closer to them, and lost dreams. How we in our drunkness, late in the night had confided in each other about our everyday worrys and joys.

I wrote these two, while I was there. Feeling a feeling, that can only be felt there. Being more crazy, than normally allowed.

If you haven't been to a festival, by my opnion you should give it a try, because it's completly different adventure.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

My Love of Travel

So I'm very passionate about traveling, my big and expensive dream is to see, Egypt, New York, London, New Zealand, Tokyo and Zimbabwe. By my choices of citys you can guess that I love big citys in which the feel the rush of life is so strong that it enchants you. You are probebly wondering where does Zimbabwe fit into the picture? be honest, at first it was the name that caught my attention, but after a little research and off course with the help of Google I found out a lot more. There are great and exciting opportunities to volenteer in Zimbabwe and I hope that I one day, I will have the money to go down there and continue to help build the independent country Zimbabwe strives to be.
(Just want to mention that my amateur research was not so thorough)

As much as I love to discover new places there is nothing like revisiting a place you've been before. At the top of my list is Paris, the streets, the old history and art, throw in the incredible atmosphereinto it and you have the place on earth, I could walk around for hours, while drinking café au lait and eating pastries, sit in Les Tuileries or gazing at art in the Louvre.
Greece is yet a place i'd enjoy to revisit. Samos is the holiday resort of my childhood. I have only been to the islands of Greece three times, but I loved it so much that I can't wait to see it again.

Writing this has been like going though the river of my memories and there is nothing like it.

Friday, June 29, 2012

An Introduction That Ended on a Sidetrack

You know, I have never really introdused myself?

Well, it's about time!

Hi! My name is Nellie, I'm a moody, kinda serious, yet funny eighteen year old teenager, that loves food and in the food catagory; mostly cheese, and broccoli is my, go to food(believe it or not!).

Now that we are talking food, I'm a vegetarian for reasons I'm still trying to articulate properly without accusing or offending anyone, so to explain my reasons I have a quote from The Fault In Our Stars(which you can read a little about here). When the maincharacter asked 'why no meat', she answered " I want to minimize the number of dealths I am responsible for" which by my standards, are the best answer to this date and it will also be mine until, I on my own, come up with something better.

I love to travel, actually I love it so much, that I have written a whole post about it! Which I will, post at the end of the month

As you can guess from this blog, I like to write. One day I aspire to become a auther even though, I will be the only one to know. I don't care if I won't be published, it's  the accomplishment that matters to me. The only person standing in the way, are myself and my astounding ability to procrastinate. Writing is not easy and hard stuff are hard.

It seems I got on a sidetrack, but it's okay because I think this is all you need to know, for know at least. If you want to know more about me and my everyday life, maybe you will find something out by reading some of my blog posts or trying to read between the lines.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Poem Tuesdays; Twillight/A gypsy

Poem Tuesdays is back, and in this week I have found a beautiful poem by Scott Fitzgerald.

Come, wander where the firefly gleams;
Night's mingling with day.
Come soon for all the summer beams
Fade slowly away.
Night will burn you with its kisses;
Day will charm you with its eyes,
I'm waiting for the twilight time
Where mystery lies.

Love's sweeter in the afterglow
Born over the years;
Red roses when their beauties go
Hold laughter and tears.
Gold is fading in the yellow,
Yellow melting into gray;
Eve's perfumed with jessamine.
Farewell to the day.

Have a great Tuesday!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The beauty and awkwardness of first kisses

Do you remember your first kiss?

That first, either planned or completely spontaneous moment when two lips meet.

I find these story's both adorable and interesting, because it says something about the person that tells the story. Maybe the one that made "the move" was very nervous or maybe it was a decision made just before the actual kiss. Who knows? I don't. Sure, sometimes the subject comes up between friends, but it's nothing you tell to a stranger.

"Hi, let me introduce myself; my name is Anna. My first kiss was with this boy, at this age and so on."

It would also be a bit odd. That is at least  how I would feel, if someone introduced themselves that way, but also that the person would be really outgoing and that's never a bad thing.  

The theme of first kisses is exciting, maybe I could write a book about that, since I have that 'writing a book dream'.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

You say spinach, I say pizza!

When you normally think of spinach, a taste of bitterness comes to mind, but when I think of spinach my thoughts are, mm yummy pizza! There is simply nothing better on a lazy night, then a spinach pizza dripping of mozzarella cheese, filled with spinach just so it isn't so unhealthy with all that lovely cheese.

Pizza is always a little better when you make it yourself and therefore I want to give you guys, my recipe!

I don't really use exact measures, given that it depends on what you like.
I would advise you to put a lot of spinach on the pizza, because it shrinks in the oven and put the cheese on top. By the way, you don't need a stone to make pizza!

We are a little lazy and busy in our everyday, so we are using ready-made pizza dough.

You need:

Mozzarella cheese
Grated cheese of your choice
A basic tomato sauce
Fresh or dried basil

And voila, after using only 10 minutes on making your dinner and 20 minutes in the oven, you got yourself an almost homemade pizza!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Finally Summer

The long waited heat of summer and spring at last came to little Denmark. When I stepped outside today, finished after 5 hours of this years English annual examination, the rays of the sun hit my pale body and made me wish, I had worn something else then my long black pants. The sun made me thank myself for the casual tank top, I had felt like wearing this morning, saving me from the 23 degrees of heat. It made me sweaty and today was a bad day to be sweaty. This morning I had forgotten to use deodorent and under the heat of the sun, I did not smell good. Despite the sweat the sun will always beautiful and make one happy.

Sitting here, my inside my room, instead of outside makes me a little sad. I would like to have a bigger garden. A garden you could actually sit in but no, my garden is like a flower; closed, savage and just something to look at.

I really wish summervacation would start today, so I can fully enjoy the sun. The sun that so rarely makes an apperence in Denmark. I would sit in my hoilday home, looking out at the water, feeling the wild wind in my face, finally able to breahe again for yet another year.

I'm very much looking forward to it.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Light my cigarette?

This is a kind of Flashback Friday, a thing from Lost and Found that I thought would be fun to try.
Short recap: it is about writing a memory from the past, on Fridays.

I have been a casual/social smoker for about 2½ years on/off. Know, that I decided to quit, and I'm finding it harder, then I thought it would be. It would be easier if I wasn't clubbing every weekend; a smoker in all corners of the night club or outside, a cigarette offered. I feel like I can't say no. I don't want to, but I have to. The thing that holds me back and make me say no every time is the thought of maybe one day, it's not a choice to smoke, it's an addiction.

Sometimes I wish, I never had smoked that first horrible tasting cigarette, but then I think of all the funny memories I have with a cigarette in my hand, laughing with my friends or a kind stranger.

This makes me think back to a party I attended in 2010. I wanted to smoke so I went outside. I ended up in a shed, with a two people.
One was my girl friend and another was a guy, I went to school with. We lighted some cigarettes and had a very deep conversation. It was a conversation with a person I knew and a person I didn't knew. That night, in that shed, we where all friends and confidants. The guy talked about him feeling, that he wasn't himself when in school, in front of his friends and we where amazed, because this guy that sat in front of us - smoking like he swore he would never do - was a totally different person, apart from the person we knew from school.

Maybe it was the alcohol, the cigarette or the atmosphere of it all; he was never himself, besides that night.

That is my Flashback Friday memory.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Moving on to a new month

It's a new month and therefore a new start. I didn't finish A-Z, but I to got get over it and move on. There will be a new A-Z next year and I'm already looking forward to it.

Moving on:

Life right now feels both hard and awesome. Hard because of the responsibilities I have taken on my self and awesome, because of the benefits of becoming 18.
I love, finally being able to go a night out in the city with my friends and having a blast. It's a sad thing, that you in America have to be 21 to do that or try to buy fake IDs..

My thoughts is quite empty now.

Have a great day, I'll try to make something good with the rest of mine besides facebook.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

P - Parkinson's disease

I thought about writing about party's, procrastination or Paris, but I ended up wanting to write about Parkinson's disease. It's a disease close to my own heart and family. I decided to write about this, to make people aware that this is an actual disease and not just something old people gets, because the are getting old and it's nothing to joke about. 

My father has Parkinson's disease, he was diagnosed in 2009 when I was away on boarding school.

Year by year the disease has been getting worse on my dad. First, before he was diagnosed it was just a little shaking in his left hand now three years later he can't sleep though a night, both his hands shake, his legs are cramping the hole time. The time he is well is when he is running, walking or riding his bicycle.

He didn't have it this way three years ago. Maybe he would be a lot better right now, if me and my mom didn't pressured him to go to the doctor back then.

He is not even a bad case, he's are a mild case, at least for now.

All those thoughts about, "maybe it's the pills he have to take" or "the doctor" who doesn't know shit about Parkinson and doesn't want to refer to a specialist.

Maybe he would be better of without the pills.

Being away on boarding school made it all easier for me of course I struggled with my thoughts, but as time has gone and I came home, I could see with my own eyes what this disease do to a person.

Have you ever had a close family member suffering from a chronic disease?
Share your experiences:)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

O - Outcast

A very late O, but what the hell it want to finish this, late or not!
- My deadline is three days, the question is; can I make it?
In various  periods of my life I have been an outcast; a person without friends and I've perennially felt a little different from others. But there is nothing wrong about feeling that way.

Just because I have never been afraid to be myself and show it, it does not mean that I should feel different or weird. It's okay to be who you are and not change, for the shake of other unless you want to.

Recently I have undertaking a motto called "accept what you can't change,  change what you can't accept". Since I have begun living by those words things seem more simple and decisions about change, easier to make.

Though you can't decide whether you are an outcast or not, you can try changing it even though it's probably really hard. Try to approach some new people, some you maybe never would have thought about approaching otherwise. I know it's hard, when you are an outcast it's rarely by choice and often you are a shy person (I am), but trying is what matters. What matters even more is what you think about yourself, because people will come and go, in the end it's yourself you have to live with all of your life. I know that and now you know it too and hopefully that will help you.

Knowing that and that I have had those bad experience's in my life have made me stronger as a person..

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm Out

I was gone on a studytrip to Brussels for a couple of days, unable to write my posts and I can now see that I can't catch up on the letters I missed. So I'm going to withdraw from the challenge even though it's not really what I want.

I feel very disappointed of my self.

My compromise with my self, is that I will try my best to write the posts that I missed and the ones to come, so I in my own way will still a part of the challenge. Because I want to finish it, for me and because despite some of the stress I enjoyed it. A lot.

For the A-Z'ers that has clicked on my blog, I hope you will make it to the end of April and happy blogging!

Monday, April 16, 2012

N - Not a family person

When I talk to my friends about their views on family, the often seem more lovable and willing to spend time with their loved ones. When it comes to my view on family I'm the exact opposite of my friends. If my family took a trip for a year or so, I'd probably be happy to be left alone.

I just don't have that feeling that family is impotent. My family has always been traditional, we know each other because we are related. There has never (for me) been that feeling that we are sitting around that table because we want to.

My family is not worm and people don't know each other, even though the sited at that same table over 30 years! I've only sat there for 18 years and I would have no problem cutting them out of my life because it's not people I know or I can even have a conversation with! That say A LOT about my family.

I have this dream that we as a family would know each other, but I know it's never going to happen.

So how do you feel about family? Hopefully not the same way I do..

Edit: I might have given the wrong impression, when I wrote family I meant others family members then my parents.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

M - Memories

Memories is nostalgia. When you from time to time think back on an event in your life, it can bring both joy and sadness.

I like to be able to think back on all the great things I have done, by myself or with my friends.

One of my favorite memories to think back on, is a festival that is held every summer called Roskilde Festival. It really brings me and my boarding school friends together after a year of school and separation. I remembered that after it was over and all I had left of it was the memories and a wrist band, I smiled every time I looked at my left wrist.

That is one of my favorite memories, what are yours?

Friday, April 13, 2012

L - Life

Life is such a big thing, it i also a broad subject. Because life is so much, it has different meninges and the term it self is used in so many ways. Both in positive and negative, such as "Get a life!" and "I feel like I am truly alive". The thought of the word life in my mind, often leads to the stream of thoughts/questions "what do I want out of life?" , "do I live my life to the fullest?"  and "am I really happy or is it all just superficial nonsense?".

I dare to say that I am probably not the only person on earth to have these thoughts.  
I see these thoughts as self discovery and a way to make life goals for my self. Sometimes when I am sitting in class, spacing out, I suddenly think of all of those things I want out of life ,and what I want to do before I am no more. It's often about traveling, seeing Paris, not just as a tourist, but as a well known visitor, because I am a lover of the art. My latest new found life goal is to be a part of the "pantsless subway ride" in New York, that occurs every year in January. Think of how cool would it be, to step over that boundary you may or may not have,  and make way for a new unique experience you hopefully will look back on, all of your life with a smile on your face?  Why not try to do these crazy things?

Off course there can be a lot of arguments of reason against it, but if you make it simple and think to your self "wouldn't it just be fun?"
For me the answer will always be yes!

And with that I will leave you , hopefully given you a little weird something to think about.
(or maybe not)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

K - Karaoke

K has been my hard letter. I'm sure you can think of many words and subjects that starts with a K, but I couldn't so google became my friend in the search for a K-word.

So I think karaoke is a way of bringing together friends and family, an excuse for singing, even though you know how much you suck at it. But it's fun to laugh at your own bad singing skills and even more impotent; your friends!

I wonder if there is any karaoke bars in Copenhagen and if I can persuade my friends to come with me, to embarrass ourselves in public, instead of the cozy safety called our homes. I bet we could get a big laugh of the stories we could tell after that night!

That's the best with fun experience is that they make great stories.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

J - Junkie?

I really don't know what to think about them. I believe the are and once where, before there addiction, descent people. I judge this from my own experience. I have a friend that is addicted to hash and I know that wasn't supposed to happen and she is a nice person. She doesn't steal or prostitute herself to afford her addiction, she has a job like everybody else. She's never high when we are hanging out, but we talk about it and I don't know what to say or do to help her.

That is the tricky part, what am I going to do as the friend? Now I haven't done anything, because she's fine with it and it doesn't take complete control over her.

I can understand how she got there, or at least how it started. You just want to try it, see what happens. It thinks that's what drugs do, before you take 'em; they fascinate you. After maybe not so much. I'm going to be honest and say, I've smoked hash once or twice, but I don't want to be more then those two times.

I didn't want to miss out on that experience and I respect those who choose to say no to that experience. I have the same feeling when it comes to drinking. Saying no is okay and it's impotent to be put your foot down and just say no.

Not giving a good impression the danish youth here..

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I - Impressions

Today I went to the National Gallery of Denmark, I had never been there before(I was very confused) and while I was there I wrote down some thoughts.

The old entrence in the National Gallery of Denmark.
Now set in a new extension.

I feel as if museum is like a library, you can't say much, you can only learn and watch. It's custom to whisper and not talking loud is an unwritten  rule. It is where new is smashed together with old.

At times art is weird and incomprehensible, other times it can both be deep, meaningful and beautiful on the same time.

Asger Jorn painting

Art is to be interpreted the way you see it and it may not necessary be what the artist thought, for instance take this painting by Asger Jorn, if you look into it what do you see? I wont spoiled it for you, by telling what I see. You must see more then just colors?

Art can leave impressions, sometimes good sometimes bad.

Monday, April 9, 2012

H - Home

The beautiful greenish spring landscape  is all around me and it welcomes me home. Because that is what it is, my home. It might be that I don't live here everyday, but it's still my real home.
If I ever lost it, I would be lost. Not knowing where to go.  My holiday home have always had that effect on me. If everything is shit, my holiday home is not.

It's like it's there for me.

When I came here today it was with the biggest real smile on my face. I was smiling because I feel genuinely happy, just seeing everything that is familiar to me. All my childhood memories. The atmosphere so peaceful and homey.

I think this is how everyone feel, when they have a place that isn't just a real place, but a place that will always be in your heart. When they have a place that's not perfect, but to you, it is the most amazing place on earth.

When it is your home.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

G - Getting drunk

Getting drunk with your friends is a unique experience. Sometimes you can open op on ways you never thought would be possible, when you get a tad to drink, tonight is one of those nights, which is also the reason I'm so very late with my a-z post and I wrote this from my Ipod.

Elaboration on last nights words:
(I remembered very late, that I had to write a post and at that moment that was all I could come up with!)

Off course you have to drink with responsibility and make sure that those you are with will follow you home if you've drunken to much.

Here in Denmark, it is not illegal to drink at any specific age even though at 16 you are allow to buy alcohol with low alcohol percent. At 18 you can drink and smoke away.

When you start to drink so early as we Danes do, you learn your boundaries and being an responsible drinker. I'm making Denmark sound like the land of underage drinking(at least for the US), but it's not dangerous and parents are just as every other parents; worried sick. So in the first years they are there to talk to or just be around. It is no shame to drink or talk openly about it.

When you reach my age(almost 18 age) you become more civilized, by the fact that you have had  those experiences and as time go by, you get to know your boundaries and know that that next glass of wine is not a good idea.

I don't know so much about how the U.S deals with underage teenagers drinking and their party's, all I know is that when you are 18, you are at least old enough to make your own decisions and at twenty one, sure you are a lot older, but you will be so much more inexperienced. All I have heard of your colleges is that you go completely crazy drinking really irresponsible and it probably because you haven't had those experiences.  To be honest I know nothing about how you do things in the states.

I hope you all have a good Sunday off

Friday, April 6, 2012

F - Facebook

Today social media, such as Facebook has a big influence on how people interact with each other. I'm pretty sure that without Facebook I myself would have a hard time, to keep in contact with the friends I don't go to school with.

These days you can connect on all sorts of ways. When you are sitting at a restaurant maybe with a friend, you can tweet or write a status update about it on Facebook, letting everyone you know what you are doing right this moment. Not only what you are doing, but who you are doing it with and where and when.

And it's not only people that are using Twitter and Facebook, it's also firms promoting their brand and artists you can click "like" on.

But with all this social media, what is going to happen with face to face interaction? Personally I think face to face are the most vital. Sure you can get to know someone online, but it's not the same. You can't drink a cup of coffee with another person online. The most deep conversations should be face to face, you can't give comfort trough textual communication only.

Think about how bad social skills we would all have, if we only had interactions with each other online, or via text, phone or web cam!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

E - Eighteen

So in about two weeks I become 18 years old. That both makes me exited and nervous. Being 18 means more responsibility, but also more freedom since I become legally adult. I will be able to vote, drive a car, go to a club and a bar, drink way to much vodka(yuk!), buy cigarettes and move out.

I would like to move out and go to a club. I have mixed feelings about learning to drive and vote. I'm a socialist, but I have not clue about what the the politicians are doing at the moment. All i know is that I like our welfare society, despite out high taxes.

Moving out costs money and I don't have them.

Becoming 18 also mean that it's even more impotent to get a job then before, the difference between before and after, is that it's harder because now they have to pay you more money and they want you to have an education before you come work for them. That's not fair for the students.

The biggest difference for me will probably be that I have to pay for everything my self. On the bright side I will learn have to juggle a budget, so when the day comes and I can afford to move out, I will know how to handle a budget

I can't wait!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D - Dreams

We all have dreams. Dreams are beautiful, wonderful, crushing, unrealistic and ambitious, but some of those dreams the goals in life that we seek.

The young have loads of them, it's possible that it is because we are naive, the old maybe not so many because they had the time to fulfill their dreams. I can't really speak for the elders because of my young age.

All I can say is that dreams are impotent, at least to me. I even have a list, some more easy and something that is possible right now and some dreams are for the future.

My biggest dream right now, is that one day I will be able to open my own cafe/bookstore. A place students can come and meet and study. Like a library just without the shushing librarian.

I would also like to travel the world, I am in love with Paris. Big city's is so exhilarating. Little Copenhagen is not enough for me.
I have two more dreams I'd like to share.
One is completing this challenge.
Two is writing a book or a short story, and if a short story print it on a T-shirt. That way you can say "this T-shirt has a story too it".

Those are are few of my dreams, what are yours biggest dreams right now?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

C - Colors of her soul; Poem Tuesdays

Usually her on my blog, I have something called "Poem Tuesdays" something which I would like to continue with through the A to Z Challenge. Maybe it will challenge me to read something I might not have read.

This poem has originality no title, so I just made one up from the first sentence of the poem.
I hope you like the poem. My favorite part is the last two lines, what are yours?

Colors of her soul

Colors has she in her soul
Dusky gold and green and white

So if eyes peer out to see
Rain a-slanting down the street
Washing though the colonnade
Let us smile and say that she
Paints in green

Rain a-slanting down the street
By the first lamps of the nights
Overhead the willows meet
Bells from hidden places toll
(Colors has she in her soul
Dusky gold and green and white)

Hurried dots upon the day
Little figures scurry by

By F. Scott Fitzgerald

P.S: Thanks for all the nice comments, it's really motivating and it kind of makes my day a little better!

Monday, April 2, 2012

B - Bad days

Do you know those days that from the moment you open your eyes, you can just feel that this is not going to be your day?

And even though you try to put a smile on your face and to be all positive, the day anyway ends up as a bad day?

I have a theory.
The theory goes like this; because you knew from the beginning of the day, that it was going to be a shitty day, your subconscious took notice of that and prevented you in having a positive mind.

And that is my theory. I just realised that it's not very comprehensive.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A - Acceptance

I find this subject very important, not only because I see it as a basic humane thing in my life, but also because I have been raised to accept and not judge.

I hate it when a person take one look at you and think, from that look, they know everything about you. We all have our flaws and since nobody is perfect, somebody have to accept you for who you are. I would like to think of myself as that person.

Hipster, hippie, punker, vegetarian, ugly, pretty, black, white. How you look should have no meaning of others impression of you.

But yet it happens anyway, because we can't help it. A bad first impression happens, the impotent thing is to be able to see behind it.

If everybody would be able to accept one another, I'm sure the world would be a better place.

To every A-Z blogger, welcome and may you not only survive the challenge, but enjoy it as well! :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012


So I have just received an email from one of the co-hosts of the A-Z Challenge, reminding me it starts on Sunday. Which I can't believe. Really, already?

As the title allude to I'm completely unprepared and that's not good.

I have had two kinds of thoughts about the challenge.
One is that I do it in the spur of the moment. Try do be authentic,  despite the possible stress.
Two is that I'll do a little of both, so I know there are days where I don't have to stress about it or that I one day, where the post is already written, I maybe feel inspired to write tomorrows post.

It never occurred to me, to write them all before the challenge. Because if I did that, it wouldn't be a challenge for me. I'm doing this because I want to see if I have what it takes to become a writer. Or at least give me hope that I can write and concentrate about it a long time, and not just once a week.

When thinking about, I'm not a 100% unprepared. I have written a very few post. Just not those that are really crucial for me to get through it. Because I have that study trip coming up, where I will be away for 4 days.

To be totally honest, I'm afraid that I'm not going to complete it, even though I really want to.
I wanna prove to myself that I for once in my life can finish something and not just start it.
I would hate to one day think back and remembering that I never in my life finished something.

By the way, heres a picture off a special mushroom. When I saw it, I thought it was very cute, when I look at now I found a deeper meaning. It kinda reminds of me; a little cute, but also different from others.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Wishing it wasn't so hard

Job applications

I really dislike doing them. You take a risk - putting yourself out there. I feel vulnerable. That and I don't know what to write. Do you write the classic " I smile easily" or something original"?

I've only been to one proper job interview before and it went horrible. 
I wasn't a particularly bad experience, I just sucked in that moment, at remembering my good qualifications that could be useful in a working situation.

From there you can easily guess, that I didn't get the job.

But I have dreams, and sometimes dreams cost money. It also turns out that food costs quit a lot of money, that my family don't really have. I just can't make myself eat meat again. It doesn't feel natural to me anymore.

And for these reasons I really need a job and I must not forget all of my dreams. Unfortunately dreams cost money.

Dreams are what you should live for.

I just wish I didn't have to write these job applications..

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Poem Tuesdays; Twice closed

I'm still very hooked on Emily Dickinson and this poem have become my favorite by her.
I really feel like I can relate to the poem.

My life closed twice before its close-
It yet remains the see
If Immortality unveil
A third event to me

So huge, so hopeless to conceive
As these that twice befell.
Parting is all we know of heaven,
And all we need of hell

Friday, March 16, 2012

Don't know

Have you ever felt, that you doubted yourself?

Lately I have. I'm beginning to think that I'm taking the wrong education. That it's not my match. There is so many homework to read and papers to be written . I'm just not that person. I can't get myself together and use 5-7 hours of my life, just because I have a paper due. I have better things to to, more fun things. Things that I might care more about, than just schoolwork. Sure I like to go there and learn new stuff. I love learning new technical terms and being able not only to understand them, but use them in a sentence. It makes me feel intelligent. I mean who doesn't like to feel intelligent?

If I was rich, I could do anything I wanted. Instead of doing things, because I have to. I HAVE to take an education, that will be able to give me an income in the future.

Why can't I be the main character, from the movie "About a Boy"? He was rich and happy. Didn't need to do a thing. The downside of his life, is that he hadn't any friends at all.

If I had to choose between money and friends, friends would always be my choice. Because I know from past experience that without them, I would feel like shit.

That is why i probably will continue with this education, because how would I be able to keep contact with my current friends?

I don't know. Sometimes you simply just don't know.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Poem Tuesdays; Unknown

Another week has gone by, and it time for Poem Tuesdays, all though today it's a quote from an unknown person. I just really like what this quote says, because I believe in it, sometimes I live with it.

We all carry these things inside
that no one else can see.
They hols us down like anchors,
They drown us at sea.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lazy, lazy me..

I have been so lazy lately! I felt so busy and not in "the writing mood", so instead of writing this post, I just did the "Poem Tuesdays" as usual, but however...

So the thing is, for about a week ago I got this award called "Versatile Blogger Award". I got it by Sherry Ellis, and I just want to say thank you :)

So I'm happy about this award, but I kinda have a little problem of small significance. The problem is, that I don't read that many blogs. So even though I am suppose to nominate 15 other bloggers, I will only be able to nominate four. Maybe later.

The nominees are..
(Can we have a drum roll, please?)

Emerald City
The Confessions &Thoughts of A Teenage Dreamer
Just a Nice Girl

Remember to check the nominees out, I wouldn't have chosen them, if I didn't think they are worth spending some reading time on!

The 7 Randoms things about myself
  1. I have a habit of biting in my fingers, not my nails like normal people.
  2. I like making people laugh.
  3. Sometimes I psychoanalysis my teachers, friends and their parents in my head. Simply because I find it interesting.
  4. I don't like soy milk.
  5. I have a big brother.
  6. My reason for going to the gym, is so it won't be so hard for me, to run after the train in the morning when I'm late. At least that's what I tell people.
  7. I want to volunteer in Zimbabwe, mostly because Zimbabwe is such a fine name for a country.

So if you have received this award and are reading this, here are some guidelines for what you are going to do with it:
  • Nominate 15 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
  • In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
  • In the same post, include this set of rules.
  • Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs
I hope your are happy to receive this award, just as I am.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Poem Tuesdays; Crank

This is an excerpt from the book "Crank".

No more paper,
nothing left to clean,
thanked god for the
Jerry springer marathon
six great hours, filled
with pitiful people,
whose lives were way
worse than my own
Hard to believe
the world is such
A screwed-up place

I don't know how you read this poem, but I interpret it as disappearing into something and realising that you don't need to. If you read the book, you will notice that in that context this is not the case, at least from my point of view.
How do you interpret it?

Bye the way, if you are a reader of this book and want to find it, I can tell you it's after she met the monster.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Poem Tuesdays; Ecstatic

It's time to get our weekly poetry, so we can feel cultural and insightful!
I just now discovered Emily Dickinson and her beautiful poetry. I hope you will enjoy her, just as I do.

Ecstatic by Emily Dickinson

For each ecstatic instant
We must an anguish pay
In keen and quivering ratio
To the ecstasy.

For each beloved hour
Sharp pittances of years -
Bitter contested farthings -
And Coffers heaped with Tears!

Translated into danish, where it makes a whole lot more sense to me:
(Just in case anybody is interested in the danish language)

For hvert sekunds ekstase
MÃ¥ vi gi' en smerte til tak
I skarp og skælvende forhold til
hvor dybt vi drak.

Og hver af de elskede timer
skal betales når vi får råd
med mange bidende bitre år
og kister fulde af gråd.

Next Poem Tuesday I think it will be a quote.

Monday, February 27, 2012

My mission and A-Z

So  have mentioned, that I a while ago joined the "Blogging from A to Z Challenge"?
Yes, no? Well i assume I have, but I will tell you about it anyways, just so I'm sure everybody knows what it is.

It is something every blogger can join. The concept is that you blog every day though all of April, except Sunday. As every day goes by, so does a new letter from the alphabet. Like the first day, the blog has to be about something that starts with an A, it can be writing, a photo or a recipe. The day after that, it has to start with something that starts with an B. Do you get the idea? Again I'm going to assume that you have. If you like to enter the challenge or read more about it, check out the website:

The time is near, and I'm getting nervous that I'm not going to be able to do it all the way. But I have to stay optimistic and believe that I can. I prepared by finding different subjects and even writing some posts beforehand, so I sometimes can get a day off.

What worries me most is those five days, where I have to go away on a study trip with my school to Brussels. I know I won't be able to write those days and I'm having a little hard time writing those five posts. I write in the moment, not after a schedule or a certain subject (even though I want to try).

I'm feeling this is going to be a long post, because this was not what I really wanted to write.

I wanted to write about my special mission within the blogging community.

Since I myself entered A-Z I have become aware of the name of my blog. "Yet another blog about life"  isn't really a interesting name, one where you think 'That sounds exiting, lets see what it is!'.
 But it is a name I like and believe in. The title says the truth "it's just another blog, but hey you might find it interesting and want to keep reading" as my friend said, when I told her the name of the blog.
Since my blog name isn't interesting, I have made it my mission to find blogs with "bad names" on the A-Z site and as a bonus, I don't want to read a blog with a lot of followers. Not because, the well read blogs are not good, but simply because I know there is so many blogs out there waiting for their first follower, or 10'th. And I want to be that follower. Also encouraging comments,  but I won't say something just to say it. I want to say it, because I mean it. My mission is probably the way it is, because I myself go under those criteria.

I hope you readers will give a small blog such as mine a chance, and thank you for giving me a chance.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Berry Smoothie

It's time for the first blog post ever of the me trying to cook. Today we are going to make a simple berry smoothie, in only 6 very short and easy steps.

To make this delicius tasting thing you are gonna need:

1½ dl frozen blackberries
½ mixed berries (like blueberry, raspberry and blackcurrant)
1 dl vanilla ice cream
A quarter of a can of coconut milk
Normal milk
3 tablespoons of sugar.
A blender, foodprossecer or a hand blender. Anything that will make this liquid.

With this recipe you don't need to be so specific. So if you have a thought about something to add to this recipe, give that thought life!
Btw if you don't like coconut milk don't worry, if you only use the amount on the illustration you should not be able to taste it. Cooking secret; cocconut gives a creamy taste!

I know what you are thinking; Why is the can purple? The answer to that is unknown, all i can tell you is that my can is purple. Now to the cooking.

1. Take out the barries and the ice cream from the freezer to let it cool down, you don't wanna ruin your blender.

2. When your berries are a little less frozen(but still frozen) put some of them in the blender, with some of the ice cream and a little bit of milk, about 2-3 tablespoons. If your blender is giving you trouble, put some more liquid is it, like some of the coconut milk.

I just now realised that I'm clearly not use to speaking kitchen.  Me and the dictionary are becoming very close friends.

4. When your done blending, you put the rest of the berries and the coconutmilk in your blender with the sugar.

5. More blending.

Hopefully at this point, all the stuff in the blender have turned into a smootie. If not, try adding some more liquid such as coconutmilk or regular milk.

6. If you now are sitting and drinking your own homemade smoothie, then congratulations you made yourself a smoothie!

Isn't it berry-tastic?

New idea

Okay so I've been thinking about poem Tuesdays, or more accurate i have a new idea.
Nellie's Simple Cooking. I think you can guess where I'm going with this.
It's something I will do now and then. When I want to and been cooking something easy.
I already wrote the first NSC (this is a acronym to "Nellie's simple cooking" and how I will refer to it from now on) post, but it need some editing. So I will post it later.
Short note: poem Tuesdays are still gonna happen!

Finally my background is going to match the blog, just a little.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I've been reading a few blogs(actually a lot of blogs), and it seems that every blog has something. That red thread, you can see when you go through all the blog posts, that makes that blog special. For an example Gweenbrick does some reviews on toys, of course being funny about them. Given a second thought, I i don't read them. I read all the other funny stuff, even though he already got enough readers(400) I'll link to something funny, that me and my friend just laughed  really much of in our biology class. Someone was presting up on the board and we where just laughing so hard, trying to do it without a sound. They probely thought we laughed of them. That's kinda mean. But think about it, how can you find a presentation about condoms/ birth control funny? Those that sat behind me could not find an answer to that question. They could really not understand why we where laughing.

Sorry for the random ramble.

I think i want to do something like that. The red thread thing. Not the laughing of other people.

I will name it "Poem Tuesdays"
It will be a almost weekly thing, preferably every tuesday I will post a poem. Not that I read a lot of poetry, but I read shakespeare and sometimes I'm just going to post a good quote from a book.

Hmm, no last words today..

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Very proud of Romeo and Juliet

I  have always been very proud that I in  a young age read "Romeo and Juliet" and I want to share the story of my first meeting with the awesome old play "Romeo and Juliet". So here it goes:

When I was 13 I wanted to read the famous play "Romeo and Juliet", by the even more famous and well known William Shakespeare. As the 13-year old reader I was I went to my local liberty. I asked the librarian, if she would help me find the book. She asked if I was not a bit too young ,to read Romeo and Juliet?

This confused me, because even though I was smart enough to want to read Shakespeare, I didn't understand why I was to young, to read this romantic tragic story, that you must read. Essentially, she would not give me the book, which made me even more confused and a little mad.

Anyway, after a while, maybe I became 14 (I don't remember), I still wanted to read Romeo and Juliet. So I went back to the library and there was a new librarian. It was a lot more easy this time. She just gave it to me, to read, love and disappear into.

Ever since that first time I read Romeo and Juliet, I never gave that book back to the library. Because I felt in love with the story and certain lines, which was said by Romeo and Juliet. I mostly love when Romeo's friend describes Romeo's feelings for Roselin, the torment and pain. How the music  hurts in his ears and etc.

The odd thing is that in the three years I have been borrowing this book, no one else has ever wanted to borrow it! It is sad that no one else beside me, is interested in old litterateur.

BUT! For about a month ago, the library suddenly thought I learnt that book for way to long and that they  wanted it back on their shelves to collect dust (the book was doing that on my shelf to, but It is a loving shelf!). But back to the book; no one has borrowed it yet, so I just borrowed it again. It will be my book for three years again, unless another 14 year old, think (just like my self for a few years ago) that you must read Romeo and Juliet.

That would be cool

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Get lost

I want to write, I want to be gone, somewhere else. I don't want to die, I never wanted that. I wish to live, I always will. But i want disappear completely and become mindless. Lose my head in another persons life, because of some reason my life isn't good enough, even though I have all I could wish for.  Sometimes it's just not enough. Of course there are some material things I want, but they aren't necessary for a good life.

It's weird that, when I'm done with the days deed, school, grocery, cooking and my homework, all I want to do is become someone else or at least get lost in a story/movie.

I wonder if anyone else have ever felt this way. Always the thought, am I the only one to think this? Am I truly alone?

For me it is just two of they many questions and thoughts I have.

But what I think most of, is the life I want to live. All the dreams I have. So many that I can't even remember them all. When the day comes and my dreams come true, maybe I don't want to escape my own life any more or get lost in another's. Or some fiction.  Because my life will be good enough.

I hope so. I dream of that.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Waste of a weekend

Here I sit, in front of my computer. Sick, my head full of snot and my nose even more snotty.
The only thought I have is "what a waste of a weekend". I could have done so many fun stuff, but this cold just came in and interrupted my life.

My small break from school.

We all know it. It becomes cold outside and your nose start to run. That is just the start. The day after you sit/lie in your bed, unable to do anything else then blow your nose and watch television. Though I prefer playing sims, as the huge sims-nerd I am. I don't really think I helps me get well faster, playing sims. But when I have the time, why not stare at a screen of a game that stimulates the life you want to live when stuck inside of your own home?

This blog post is not very good. I just liked the headline with the alliteration.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Going English and Happy/Mad 'A'

I have a very strong moral/opinion when it comes to money and independence. Though I have begun to realize that, even though it is my opinion, it does not follow my actions. And they should. For me it is important to be independent when it comes to pay for stuff when you become 18. Because in law that’s when you become an adult. In law. Not your mind. If you are taking an education you can get state education grant(I looked this word up on my internet dictionary), so you will have an reasonable amount of money to live for. The price for my standard living is 137,29 dollars, 51,48 for my train transport 85,81 for my food(hopefully). At least that is the expenses I can think of, I know there is more.

I would like to make a sidenote and tell you that my math teacher just used the example of a guy, going to a party becoming more and more exited, the closer he dance to the girls, he used that example as how it gets bigger to explain whether ‘A’ was “happy” or “mad”. Remember we are still have about math and not sex-class (I don’t know what it is called, when you inform teenagers about sex and give them free condoms).

Btw do you get the picture? If not he was talking about penis/sex, but blending it with math to be fun and maybe catch our attention. I just wanted to share my weird math teacher with y’all.

Hmm.. It seems that I have fallen out track.. Well I will tell about my opinion of independence another time.